People change!

by candytrucker

I wish Trucking Companies would post on their websites whether or not they do hair follicle or urinalysis for their pre-employment drug testing.

A person has the right to decide if they want to proceed with the employment & what is the big mystery all about. My son has cleaned up his act & changed his life since July he has been clean & wants to apply at Estes but he's afraid they might use hair. Does anybody know if they do.

Lots of people turn their lives around & shouldn't be forced into possible failing a test.

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Jan 03, 2015
your right in a sense NEW
by: Anonymous

I am glad to hear your son is getting his life together. yes it is important to the community and road safety for companies to abide by the regulations set forth by state law enforcement. if they rule no one with a recent drug conviction is allowed a cdl, we must adhere to it, its the rule. yes, if they say everyone who applies for a cdl to drive a truck on the road and must take a drug test and it must be free of drugs then, we all must adhere to it. your son is not being singled out. everyone must abide by this rule. Companies are not going to take chances and then lose their license for anyone. yes, some companies do hair follicle and some do not. find a company that does not. use this drug testing method and your son should be good to go. or wait, help him find another line of work until he can take the test without worry.

it is good for people who are early in their recovery to not take on high stress jobs for fear of relapse. he needs time to heal just like any person who might have had surgery on their leg and cant walk well at first they must start out with baby steps so do the addict.

coming from an addiction counselor :)good luck!

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