Phoenix driver with clean a record looking for a truck driving job. Dan Bomar

by Dan B
(Phoenix, AZ, USA)

I recently got my CDL. I was in trucking industry between 1996-2000 in Mexico. I am not Mexican. In 2000 I got a good offer from Sony, so I worked for them for over 4 years. The company has decided to shrink and I got unemployment for over 1 year. Now I decided to get my CDL. I went at dot and got my new DL. I need someone who will be able to understand this situation.

I am a very reliable person. I got no tickets, no accidents, no DUI, nothing on my record.

Comments for Phoenix driver with clean a record looking for a truck driving job. Dan Bomar

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Aug 13, 2014
great opportunity NEW
by: Anonymous

If you have clean record and experience such as driver perhaps you can work wit us!! write me

Jul 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

you have a clean record and experience and here I sit thinking trucking is for me and have a felony and dui on my record. Kind of nervous now that I see many people with experience and clean records having a hard time getting work. Where does this leave me having a felony and no experience? Is it a waste of my time and hard earned money to get into trucking? Or is it that you have experience and want what you want and won't take certain jobs that could actually hire you? I know for me I would rather be unemployed than to take a crap job didn't know if that was the case here. I'm sure some trucking companies would take you on but it would probably not be very desirable.

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