pinky. Tips for coping as a truckers wife

how do i not miss him so much? will it get better over time? he just started doing this about six weeks ago i feel lke i'm in a nightmare !!!!! i wait for it to be over where he can be at home and me in his arms i hate being a married/ single person/mother. i feel like i'm being selfish feeling this way.

i'm so proud of him he works so hard to take care of us.. but reality is i feel abandoned!!! life is to short and i wanted to spend it with him i was so happy when he was at home. i knew this was his dream when i fell in love with him and married him, but i had no ideal i would feel like this. i feel empty, lost, i'm depressed and crying on/off every day. i don't make any plans because it feels like i cant live life without him and that is what i am having to do.

if there are any tips on how to go from being held , loved every night and waking up in his arms to being alone, feeling like you are going to come out of your skin frazzled with your desire for time with him.

the worst part is this is just the beginning. there is no light at the end of this tunnel just an empty dark abandoned soul.

Comments for pinky. Tips for coping as a truckers wife

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Aug 19, 2011
from a truckers wife
by: Anonymous

my old man is a trucker and has been one his whole life. in fact, i dont think he would know how to do anything else even if givin the opportunity!

you will never worry less, miss him less, or lose that want for a normal life (so to speak as who is to say what normal is) but you will learn a new appreciation for him you never new existed. you have to realize that without truckers there would be nothing!

make sure he knows every minute he is away that you are at home where you should be ( please keep in mind that at least youre at home and in your own bed while he looks at it as hes sleeping in a truck and never home etc.)this is way harder on him than it will ever be on you.

im sure you kn0ow how being stuck in the same old routine feels so put yourself in his shoes and realize that thats what his life is now. alone, routine, with nothing but your own thoughts. they will get suspicious, so will you, they will be way more tired than ever, and you will start to feel like they dont love you.

you will want to say things like 'why dont you ever spend time with me?' 'when you come home, all you do is sleep" etc. but dont. they feel bad enough being gone, they dont need to feel bad when theyre home too! being a truckers wife is the second hardest job on the planet. second only to that of a trucker! keep in good spirits and remember that everything he is doing is not just for him but for you too!

Aug 14, 2010
Were all here for your support.
by: American Trucker

What is a Trucker?

Truckers are found on highways, in truckstops, in service bays, on loading docks, on bush roads at

fuel stops and often they are the first at the scene of an accident.Their wives/husbands help them. Little boys follow

them. Relatives don’t understand them. Meals must wait for them. Weather can delay them.

But nothing can stop them.

A trucker is a paradox. He/She is a blue-jeaned executive with his office in the cab. He/She is a scientist who

hauls dangerous chemicals and explosives, a purchasing agent in a baseball cap, a personnel director with

grease under his/her fingernails, a poor eater with fondness for burgers and fries,

a student of geography and a weather watcher.

He/She likes sunshine, children, smooth pavement, good traction, clean loads, dinner at home, weekends

with his family, an unbuttoned shirt collar and country music.

And there is a special place in his/her heart for his rig.

He's/She's not fond of city traffic, tourists who are rotten drivers, fuel prices, dispatchers, snarly receivers,

kids in high powered cars and least of all drunk drivers.

Nobody else gets as much satisfaction out of talking about trucks, truckers, good weather, homemade

pie, strong coffee, kids, wives, sweethearts, and the price of fuel.

He/She is your friend and customer. He/She is your source of food, clothing, petroleum and natural resources.

In fact, nearly everything in your life arrived in his truck.

Carl American Trucker
Pinky I was over the road for 25yrs now an educator in this industry.My wife an kids and myself went through the same issue.If you have time go on many trips with him learn an understand what he does.Always talk every day to each other.My profile is on here.American Trucker.
Best wishes

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