Please does anyone know anybody that is in need of a job?

by Jessi Westover
(Canfield, OH)

We are in desperate need of a driver and i mean desperate we are going to lose our home. My father suffered a massive heart attack and open heart surgery and as we speak is being readmitted to the hospital.

He is an O/O and we need to get a driver in the truck asap as it is our sole source of income. We need someone in Northeast Ohio that has haz mat or can get haz mat and has dump experience.

Please if anybody knows anyone I am reaching out to you guys. My dad has been a trucker for 40 years.

Please my number is 330 360 1740

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Nov 03, 2010
Please does anyone know anybody that is in need of a job?
by: Anonymous

Jessi, we have repeatedly told you what to do but you refuse. I am a moderator on this website, and have personally told you that what you propose is unrealistic. This is not a job; you are essentially asking for a driver to work for you for far less than what s/he would be able to earn employed directly for Wills Trucking. I have personally offered to purchase your father's truck but you have not bothered to contact me. Please stop with these appeals. We are not suckers. Sell the truck to me on terms, and we will help you weather this storm. No one is going to work for your father and Wills both; that is all you are offering. That proposition does not make sense. If you want to work out an immediate deal, contact me at (302) 897-6443.

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