positive gotta be

by BC

the trucker i am with lies for kicks. the first lie is that he was single, well u know the rest.

i told him since it is his girlfriend then get rid of her we were having a ball i let him know if he had a girlfriend i would have to get a boyfriend. i would not wait on him during the week and he with her on the wknd. well he did not take me serious and 1 wknd i wound up 500 or 400 miles from home on the night i did not think he would call.

i definitely was not around the corner. i guess he got to thinking and he wound up leaving his WIFE of course i did not know that when i found out.

i turned the heat up with still either HER OR ME he looked stupid and got a divorce now i am unhappy with him because believe it or not he hardly knows i exist after all that. he does only what he feels he is obligated to do to keep me.

nothing is like before to me materialistic does not compare to reality and realty is i am the same and he has changed he says he needs his job for the money that's a lie he can do something else the job gives him fringe benefits. someone hears truck driver and green lights start blinking. i did it i would not do it now it was so short lived and that is because he is living up to his rep of i guess its cheaper to keep her or love um and leave em well i have to come to some conclusion because even with all the blinking and bling bling when the thrill is gone u move on. any commentators feel free to contact me my email ironically is love1234@centurylink,net keep truckin! BC

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Oct 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have moved on by the way he did tell his wifey he was leaving, he is still with me aft 4 yrs nothing stays the same if yur smart you take a look around and start making other moves remember he said he was not married, how did i know yes what goes around comes around but beleive me, he is no choir boy. I feel alot of times that i need to leave my own house and he stays with me. I think i will get a job overseas feeding the hungry. My patience now is running out waiting on a trucker for 1 day or two is no fun to me no matter how much love i have for him.

Jul 04, 2010
What Goes Around Comes Back Around
by: Anonymous

He's Only treating you the way he treated his wife. And like my momma said" WHAT GOES AROUND COMES BACK AROUND". Just imagine how that first wife felt. I'm sure she cried and did her best to make things work on and the little money he was bring home .Because like you said he was giving you rest.. remember bling!!bling . Now he's on to the next new thing. When will you women learn to leave married men alone they are not yours. And the bad thing about it is when you get him you get to see the real man he was at home and all the things we trucker wives have to put up with.. Because of women looking for a BLING!! BLING!! and they dont mind whose home they distroy as long as they are in control abd get what they think they want!!!! More women need to respeat the vows of marraige and find their own man. I'm sure the first wife blamed her self and it wasn't her. But you did her a favor you removed the negativty out of her life. Because now you are wearing her shoes...

Jun 25, 2010
cheaters never prosper
by: Anonymous

if he will cheat with you he will definatly cheat on you , enough said .,...

Jun 25, 2010
by: American Trucker

sounds me like you should of stayed single in own truck..

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