Pre-employment excercises for Schneider

by Robert
(Mesa, Az)

I was at Schneider orientation and failed one part of the pre employment exercises.

I'm trying to locate those exercises so I can work on getting my heart rate down, because that is what I failed at.

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Jul 11, 2016
Getting your heart rate down
by: Hervy

You don't need to look for those exercises. All you need to do is walk 3 mph every day for about 30 minutes if you are heavy.

Also, if you are heavy, losing some weight will help with heart rate as well.

If you are normal weight, you might want to jog for a 10 or 15 mins each day.

Or a combination of the 2.

The objective is to get in better cardiovascular shape. It doesn't matter what exercise that you do. You just need to exercise. To the point that you are breathing harder than normal.

If you do that on a frequent basis, your will be able to do the exercises at Schneider without getting out of breath.

Better yet, Google or ask your Dr. how to improve your cardiovascular health.

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