Prime Trucking

by Marty
(Northern VA)

I'm retiring soon and have decided to become a OVTR truck driver. I have conducted research and settled on several companies, Prime, Swift, J.B. Hunt, Con-Way, Knight, and CRST. Let me know what you think. I' leaning towards those that are really automated like Prime. All use the Qualcom system and they each have lease owner oporater programs.

Give me you opinon. I'm still researching. I will retire Feb 2008, and I plan to have my CDL with endorsements by the end of the year.

Give me you opinon. Oh by the way this is a great site keep it up.

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Feb 06, 2013
Lease Program NEW
by: Anonymous

Prime has some new programs, possible to make alot of money here.
Check us out.


Nov 19, 2012
Priming the Pump
by: IronPony

This is Ironpony again, here to explain how this system at prime works.

Yes, you see me on all the trucking forums, that's because I can make more money in referrals, than in driving.

I can make $3-500 a week, just by signing up you dummies, I mean drivers !!

You will never catch me in a lie, I am a professional !! Now please excuse me, my boyfriend and I have an appointment at the spa !!

Aug 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

Prime is like any big trucking firm,they are all the same when it comes to pay and shorting you out of miles pay,due to the PC miler or house hold movers. Most use PC thou.

The best thing to do is stay at the same place o couple of years and get the screwing and the rest that comes with trucking and dealing with dispatch and D/M and besides, look at this way, we all go the same places.

Why job hop, when we can get screwed by a lease the same from any lease trucking company. They are in to make the money and not for lease O/OPS or the true blue O/OPS ... So take it from a seasoned veteran driver and get cheated and pissed on your DAC with out having to hop and or get screwed to were you look for a another job and then another.

But if it is out and out not worth pay or mile or high mile pay and no miles, than run away and go local or UNION !!!

Apr 07, 2012
by: Anonymous

Are you still a recruiter at prime?

What is your extention number ?

Jan 11, 2012
bad fleet managers.
by: Anonymous

Tried to get a new fleet manager for 2 months. just get run around. looks like i'll have to call the pres. Robert Low to get it done.

Aug 11, 2011
Sad to say.....
by: Ironpony

I am no longer at Prime.
I was fired, for a charge that I will not talk about.
I can NOT believe they fired me, after all the recruiting I have done for them.
Good luck to the drivers that stay there, your days are numbered also !!


Jun 14, 2011
Want to become a truck driver so BaAaAaAadDDd
by: Willie's Trucker

Hi to all....

I just recently got my CDL Class A license with Hazmat and tanker endorsements back in December 2010 in New York, ive been aplying for a job for a while know. but its been so hard to be hired because i dont have experience, i would like to work for a Company that will train me and one of my dreams is to work for Prime, can somebody help in what to do or where to go to get trained or if Prime will train me if i get accepted as a driver, i am in a very desperate situation to become a truck driver so if someone out there can help me with some feedback i will appreciated very much.

Thanks in advance for all your help and be same out there to all the drivers....


Mar 01, 2011
I'm Happy
by: Ironpony

Prime was the best thing we ever did. We made over 80K last year, and will do even better this year.
My boyfriend and I may start training, that means even more money !!!

Mar 27, 2010
New Web site
by: Bigfoot

Primedrivers is now at

Apr 19, 2009
Marty got the fever.
by: Jimmy

Hey Marty, welcome aboard. You mentioned Prime,Inc in your research. Go to "PRIMEDRIVERS.NET" a website by Prime drivers with pretty good info about Prime Inc. It's about 50/50. As many drivers love Prime as hate it. I say it's about attitude. You need to go with the flow and be flexable. That's with any trucking company or any job for that matter.

As you pursue your search, slough off the negativity you will encounter. The other companies you mentioned are as good as any. It's a rough and tumble business as I've mentioned before. Good luck and drop by anytime. Jimmy

Apr 19, 2009
by: Anonymous


Apr 19, 2009
Lease Purchase Programs
by: Hervy

Hello Marty welcome to the site.

I heard good things about CFI who bought con-way (or the other way around) but hadn't talked to anyone about the lease purchase program.

I talked to drivers doing the Dart and also the Schneider lease purchase who seemed thrilled. I think you should add them in your research.

Actually I talked to a guy leased to JB 2 days ago but he had his truck already when he leased on, he said his miles were low since the recession.

For all of these guys make sure you visit the truckstops and talk to drivers face to face. The internet is cool but you really want to converse with these guys to get a better picture of what they are telling you.

Congratulations on your coming retirement. By the way did you mean 2010 or what? You said Feb 2008????

Dec 18, 2011
prime is a rip off
by: Anonymous

i am 38 year old man. i have never been financially raped in my life. i leased i made 5400 in load revenue. only made 800 for the week. the owner should be in a prison. huge rip off please listen to me.

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