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Mar 11, 2011
Good spouses are hard to find
by: Anonymous

I agree... no truckers/husbands/wives will roam away from marriage if it's rock solid and have deep sense of responsibility and love for the wife/husband and her/his family. Well, easy for me to say because I go with all the time, whether I like it or not... Lol. Guess it was my husband who worries more leaving me at home and going over the road alone. Just kidding. But either way... whether I go or not, I know my husband will always be faithful to me. Thats how much I trusted him. If he wanted to go and play with fire, he just have to tell me and I'd gladly set him free but he wouldn't go anyway so what the Once there was a time where we were at a truck stop and I was sleeping at the back and my husband is in the drivers seat and doing his logs when he was approached by a lady and asked him if he needs company. My husband responded that he didn't think so... and the lady asked why. He said, that he has his wife sleeping in the sleeper and she wouldn't like finding you here talking to me else believe it or not, you wont have any hair left on your head if she sees you. Then after saying that, the lady nervously walk away from my husband. I overheard that and couldn't keep myself from giggling. Of course that is not true. I am not gonna hurt anybody specially a lady no matter what kind of person she is. Nobody is perfect but we have to do what is morally right. There are lots of jobs everywhere other than being a lot lizard or sex worker if they only look around. Granted that prostitution has been the oldest profession in history, it doesn't justify our willingness to do it just to earn money. Others are tempted to kill boredom and longings for the spouse. Not realizing the effect it will bring later on. They can either get disease or this can pave way for fallen marriages because of unfaithfulness. Life is too short to live with loneliness much more not having a good spouse to be with. So if you ever have good spouses, stay away from temptation. Be faithful to each other. Spend more time together. Pray and Praise God for the marriage, blessings and the family and success He gave you. Hold hands. Exchanges hugs and kisses. You don't need flowers, expensive jewelries and trinkets just to show you love each other. Just by being with each other is enough to make marriage last. Arguments is inevitable but don't sleep in anger with each other. You have to talk it over and compromise before you retire in bed. Women can be tough sometimes but they're easier to please than men. Trust me... I'm one tough cookie but whenever I see my husband working hard 'round the clock with less sleep, I mellow down and smothered him with a lot of kisses and hugs. I never get mad the whole day. Maybe a whole hour but not a whole day. Its not good having a cold war inside the truck. So compromise and do everything together. Thats the name of the game. Do things together and make sure you enjoy every moments of it...

May 10, 2010
Spouses of Drivers
by: Anonymous

After reading this post, I felt compelled to comment. Not so much about the prostitute issue but the relationship issue.

Until you have been out there and know first hand what it is like, you can't imagine what a driver deals with in any given day. But THE most important thing in a big rig is SAFETY!!!!

Imagine if your hubby or wife is out there trucking along trying to get down the highway and things are not so good between you. Of course you want to talk about it (cell phones make things so much easier) and it isn't your fault he/she is not home to discuss it face to face so it's now or never. You are now in this heated discussion and where do you think his/her mind is? It's not on the road and on the traffic all around them. It's on his/her problem at home. You have just created a very dangerous situation for your spouse!

What I am trying to say is think about the situation and if you have to discuss some unpleasant business, like the mention of prostitues or infidelity. Even though you might be seething mad try to keep it as light as possible, and agree to follow up on it when he/she gets home. If it's that serious and can't wait at least WAIT until he/she isn't driving or have them pull off the highway and stop until you can get things resolved. Try to get it resolved so that their mind can be where it needs to be...driving. Believe me it takes every bit of mental ability you have to make sure you are aware of everything going on around you when you are a driver and if things aren't good at home they could get way worse for you're spouse out there on the highway!!!!

You have to remember, this is his/her job. If they where working somewhere locally at a job, you would not be allowed to call at any given moment and have this discussion, you would have to wait until they got off work. Driving IS a JOB and a very serious one.

Been there, done that and know how bad the results can be. It isn't worth it!!!

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