Question about CB Antenna. 1 or 2 antennas

by Thomas
(Sheldon, IA/ USA)

My truck

My truck

I'm going to get my oun truck this few weeks. What kind of cb antennas should I get. Do I need one or two antennas?

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Jan 12, 2010
CB Antennas. How about those Wilson 2000 or 5000
by: Hervy

I am like Jimmy. I always used one, but I hear driver swear both ways.

Used to hear everyone bragging about Wilson 2000 or Wilson 5000 Cb Antennas. Don't really hear that so much now.

I have heard about the Firestick antenna too like the anonymous said and if he is getting 12 miles and that is not just CB talk (lol) then I would say grad some of them!

They got all kind of crazy stuff, some kind of Monkey antenna and who knows what else.

I heard the CB shop at the T/A in South carolina at exit 60 off I-85 was real good and the CB shop at the Knoxville T/A exit 364 I-40 was good but I don't know who the guy is that is there now.

Also, the CB shop 1 exit up from the Flying J off I-40 in Amarillo Texas is great and the lady who runs it(Rhonda) with her husband is a real trip.

Jan 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

Yan can't go wrong with a Cobra 29 classic With two Firesticks 4' long and 15' to 18' coax. With my CB tweeked and peeked and my two firesticks I am able to get out 12 miles.

Jan 10, 2010
Thomas's new twuk needs a CB
by: Jimmy

This is a very debatable subject. I say you just need 1 antenna. (4ft) with 18ft coax. But, you will get a lot of other opinions from drivers that say you need 2 big time expensive antennas with expensive c/b's etc.

I'll tell you my experience. I bought a Cobra 25 for about $90 brand new in '80. At about 3 years, it had a minor problem that I got fixed for $20 and then used that c/b until '06 when I left it in a truck that I quit from. Never had any problems and it got me the needed info (traffic, construction etc.) I got out about 4-5 miles.

I now have a Ranger that is collecting dust in the closet and it is excellent. 2 years use, flawless. I personally don't recommend "peak and tune". For about $100 total you can get a new Cobra 29 (usually on sale at Pilots/Loves) plus an antenna and coax. Get new coax, it's cheap. Jimmy

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