question about dot sap specialist

by Dustin
(Salem ohio)

Yes I gotten into an accident last year. Tested positive for mj. My company told me I had to see a dot sap specialist b4 I could go back to doing any safety sensitive duty's.

Now I couldn't afford the sap specialist at the time. So the company sent me a letter stating that if I don't see this specialist within 15 days I voluntary quit my job. Now. What I wanna know, can I go work somewhere else driving truck without having to see this specialist. Or do I have too see this specialist b4 I can get a driving job anywhere else.

Is there a way around this?

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Oct 23, 2011
dot sap
by: Anonymous

First of all, with the way the economy is why would you want to jeopardize loosing a job over that? You had the money to get the mj, but not the money for the sap, when the substance got you in that mess!

I know a lot of places put you threw that be fore going back on the job. I'm not trying to be a jerk to you but you have to realize that crap isn't worth it ! Nor the mess its got you in! Do you have a family? If you do bet that situation didn't go over well! Good luck to you!

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