question about passing eye exam?

by joe

I am wondering whether or not this is going to be a big deal. I read somewhere that if you are going to be a truck driver you cannot be color blind, however, I don't believe I am truly color blind. I live in AZ...not really sure what the requirements are...I have pretty good vision, am in pretty good health considering im going to be 21 soon. I can see colors just fine...but do they do the circle and number test when you apply for your license/DOT medical card. I can't always see the numbers...but can see colors just fine...will this prevent me from a job?


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Feb 07, 2009
Color Blind
by: Anonymous

I have an issue with the color test every two years when I retest. In Ohio they break out a red green and yellow crayon if you cant see the numbers. If you can distinguish between the colors you are good to go.

Jan 29, 2009
Is Joe colorblind?
by: Jimmy

Hey Joe, I know what you are talking about. That colorblind test. The little book with pages that have colors and inside the colors are white numbers.

You can ask the medical facility that administers the physical if you need to pass that portion of the test to drive big rigs. I know it's not necessary for cars. Jimmy

Jan 27, 2009
Eye exam
by: hervy


I just took it last month. I don't remember any circles. It could be that the test is administer differently in different locations though.

However, if you can pass the letters I don't think you have anything to worry about. Your vision needs to be 20/40. If it takes glasses to get your vision there that is permitted.

Colorblind is a no go. Since you said that is not your problem, then it doesn't matter.

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