questions about Swift and CR England training programs.

by wayne

has anyone ever attended the Swift or CR England etc.. training programs?

do they realy offer you a permanent job or is it another way of getting money out of your pocket.

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Oct 14, 2008
Redemption for Swift but also a new one to me
by: The Crazy Trucker

Since you asked about Swift training I have been asking more drivers, more of them says that they were satisfied than not now.

If any one else reading this has experience with Swift's training program please let us know what you think of their program.

Also I spoke to Nancy, a recruiter at GTSC Trucking and she recommended Schneider trucking training school


May 28, 2008
Swift and CR England Truck Driving School
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hello Wayne,

The only thing I can tell you is that lately, I have been hearing not so positive things about swifts training program. Having said that if you are gonna go to swift I would call the Eden NC terminal and see if Garnet Powell is still running the terminal. If so, that is the one I would go to. I was lease on over there and Garnett Powell was my driver manager then. He is a good dude, if he is terminal manager I would think you could issues resolved fairly if things are going well with your training.

I can't tell you anything about England.

If you can, you should go to an independent truck driver training school or a community college for training. That way you won't be committed to any company for a certain period of time. They both have all kinds of financial aid to help you pay for it.

Hope that helped a little.
Let me know what you end up doing.

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