Ray Phillips , Evansville, Indiana Experience driver looking for better trucking company

by Ray C. Phillips
(Evansville, Indiana, USA)

I graduated from a trucking school approx six months ago, i've been doing very well as a solo driver and i love to drive and I come from a long blood line of CDL drivers. However, i work so much, im out for a month and then only home for a few days, im only 23 years old and would love to have the opportunity to have an actual life outside of work and actually start a family one day.

The traditional otr or regional schedule strongly prohibits me from pursuing and fulfilling these important life goals, i would love the opportunity to have a cdl job that permits me to have one week on/one week off or one week on and four days off or four days on and four days off, anything like this excites me greatly and would benefit me and my loved ones (and hopefully future loved ones) lives in so many ways.

There must be a way to accomplish this goal for not just myself but for all fellow cdl drivers who share the same concern. If there is any way to achieve this goal, which i believe that there is.... i am very interested and very supportive of a solution to this most definite "Problem" in the otr/ regional trucking industry.

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Jun 23, 2010
Those Jobs are few and far between
by: Anonymous

If you want something like that try the pumpkin line.. they have a prog out for 2 weeks and in 1.

Jun 23, 2010
no jobs like that
by: Anonymous

go in to food dristributions are pulling tankers go to work fro sysco or us foods they are at home every day other than that they are no driving jobs like that in trucking most regional jobs get you home on weekends i have been driving for sixteen years have not found a job like that

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