Raymond Rockwell

by Raymond Rockwell
(Spokane Wa. U.S.A)

Hello my name is Raymond I was accepted to go to truck driver training through Central Refridgerated in Salt lake city Utah.

I graduated and was given a job to drive for them as a company driver but I ended up making a mistake I backed over a fence and left the seen of what I consider an avoidable accident.

I realize now that I handled it wrong so my truck driving career was short lived what I mean is I only got to drive for about a month or 2 and now I have no CDL or job I am looking for that 2nd chance.

Yes I made a mistake and even though I haven't driven for going on 2 yrs. I feel that I can still drive I just need to find someone who would be willing to give me that chance and help me out because I want to get back to my truck driving career.
Spokane Wa truck driving jobs

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Jan 13, 2014
I want to get back out and drive again NEW
by: Raymond Rockwell

I just wanted to add to my comment that I wrote about my short career as a driver and because of my lack of experience should I try to get back in a training program with another company because I need to take all my tests again and I know that I should pass them with no problem it's just I need the practice now if someone out there understands what I mean and has any info. or has anytime or suggestions please by all means send me an E-MAIL @ raymondrockwell@yahoo.com

Jan 13, 2014
I want to get back out and drive again NEW
by: Raymond Rockwell

I just wanted to add to my comment that I wrote about my short career as a driver and because of my lack of experience should I try to get back in a training program with another company because I need to take all my tests again and I know that I should pass them with no problem it's just I need the practice now if someone out there understands what I mean and has any info. or has anytime or suggestions please by all means send me an E-MAIL @ raymondrockwell@yahoo.com

Jan 13, 2014
I want to get back out and drive again NEW
by: Raymond Rockwell

I just wanted to add to my comment that I wrote about my short career as a driver and because of my lack of experience should I try to get back in a training program with another company because I need to take all my tests again and I know that I should pass them with no problem it's just I need the practice now if someone out there understands what I mean and has any info. or has anytime or suggestions please by all means send me an E-MAIL @ raymondrockwell@yahoo.com

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