Recruiter questions?


Hello my question is this. I'm looking to get into trucking soon. I want to know what type of questions should I ask of any recruiter? I realize they will some will say what ever you want them to say to get you in the seat.

But if someone could list say atleast 10 questions to ask a recruiter. This would be a great help. Also is it considered acceptable to have them put in writing. So to make sure they don't play the shell game and say one thing and practice another.

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Nov 23, 2011
questions to ask a recruiter
by: hervy

1. How often does a driver from my area get home
2. How much does the average driver who is out x weeks at a time get paid at 6 months
3. What is the turn over rate there
4. What types of trailers do they have
5. What benefits are available for the driver
6. Is there a rider program and what are the requirements to be eligible to ride?
7. Can you take a pet, (if that is important to you)
8. What type of routing options are available. Regional, OTR, dedicated routes, terminal to terminal, are examples
9. How much is the insurance for singles and family
10. Do they have slip seating or assigned tractors.

Now keep in mind some recruiters will tell you anything. Record your answers but compare them to actual drivers for the company you are considering.


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