Red flags in a relationship
by Maria
We met again for the first time in years Father's Day weekend, 2015. I/we were excited about getting married, home all the God stuff. However, We were supposed to spend a week together camping fishing, I scheduled time off ....he said his dispatcher screwed up and instead of ca being his home time the dispatcher scheduled him in his home town in tx.
Please note (I feel ) the trip all of a sudden was cancelled when I told him there would be (no) sex. He went out of his way to make sure that I was okay talked to my mom about it.
Even before that,early on at beginning of our relationship we got into a heated conversation he spoke harshly and stated "that I did not know what harsh was". Who has also been in and is still a participant with aa.
I have made life decisions I turned down a job to relocate to a facility via the company I am with to our facility in tx and given him my personal info to put on an application for a home in tx.
Now our conversation have almost come to a stop.
We used to FaceTime again now we barely talk. I have asked if he wants out and all I get is I am not here to make you happy, and I am spoiled and having fits cause we are not talking. Help how and what should I do,feeling played