Red's Wife

by Kim
(Thomson, GA)

Im Kim, Married to Eric...driving for Boyd Brothers now. We have two kids...Tucker and Rylee...Eric was driving before we got married so I knew what I was getting into. I always think it will get easier...but it never really does. I am lucky enough to have him home every weekend (for the most part) thank goodness! But the weeks are hard...lonely...boring without him. I do my best to entertain and raise the kids on my own. With school starting back it just gets a tad tougher. We hang in there though...because after all the entire reason he is out on the road is to provide for us. I work full time also so that helps. It is nice to find a place to let the stories flow.

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Apr 05, 2012
missing in action NEW
by: lacy


Feb 12, 2011
We are not alone
by: Vanessa

Way to go Kim, your not alone, My hubby's name is Phillip, and he is a 48 state driver and he is only home for a week every other month, so I can relate to the loneliness you go through. My consolation is we have a 6 yr old together. My husband is looking into another job to get him home more often. But top Kudos for you and your husband, I have a tee shirt (hubby bought for me) says it all "The only thing tougher than a trucker is a truckers WIFE". If all of us wives got together (online), we might be able to make a difference for them on the road. Take care, and may you all be blessed with happiness.

Aug 11, 2009
Welcome Kim
by: Jennifer S


Very nice to meet you ;) We all understand how boring, and lonely it gets!!

Your more than welcome to email me if you ever get really bored. I am pretty harmless as all the women here can testify too- Now i am not saying I am innocent by any means ;)

Either way, is my email address. Feel free to stop by and say hello! Everyone else has.

We try to get a chat together, but honestly, it just has not taken off, Please feel free as well to drop us a line, and let us know what else you would like to see on the site.

I am currently working on "On the road" recipe's page. I was suppose to work on a brief introduction for it today, but I got side tracked by 4 kids- a son-in-law. 5 dogs, 3 cats, and a pouting husband (oops did I say he pouted out loud?--Oh well lol)

Anyway, welcome to the site, great to have you!!


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