Refrigerator for the truck

Hi all, my husband is getting ready to graduate from trucking school & would like to know a few things about a refrigerator for the truck.

To start off with, where should I purchase the fridge, the price of it, & which one is the best one. I know it can cost a fortune out on the road with buying food, sodas & snacks!

So if anyone can tell me a good reliable fridge that won't cost an arm & a leg, I greatly appreciate the comments. Thank you.

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Aug 09, 2015
Furnish a functional, attractive cab kitchen at Goodwill! NEW
by: Anonymous

Instead of shopping for numerous pricey 12 volt appliances, I'm buying my husband, a new trucker, a 1500 watt power inverter (converts DC power to AC). His employer allows them, but the company's electricians, not their truck drivers, must install them.

We were told the inverter would run around $175, but I went online and found Walmart had a few in the $115 to $135 range. My best deal looks to be at Harbor Freight, where I can get one for around $100 when using their 20% off coupon.

Then, ladies, HIT YOUR LOCAL GOODWILL for all manner of small appliances and plastic dishware/glassware/utensils.

Our mini-fridge, which I already had, was $10 there at a sale and our 700 watt microwave was just $3. I also found a plastic three-drawer cart (remove the casters) for $3 and all manner of white particle board shelving for 50 cents and $1 each, which my husband has used to build a freestanding shelf over the foot of his lower bunk (to hold the fridge and microwave, that is). He will drill the shelf, attach eyebolts, and rachet the appliances in place, tying them to the eyebolts. Our good friend's rig is furnished in the same way and it's working well for him.

I also nabbed him a $2 "hot pot" he plans to use for instant coffee (to avoid the glass carafe on a coffeemaker), a $1 pop-up toaster, and a $1 electric sandwich maker.

We've especially had a blast with the $1 sandwich maker! We've made quesadillas, fruit tarts, blueberry muffins, cornbread, and pancakes stuffed with Hormel Little Sizzlers sausages, all of it yummy. Oh--and Pillsbury canned cinnamon rolls in just three minutes! AND because you use cooking spray on it every time, it cleans up with a dry paper towel, no washing required.

Cheap is good, right?!

Jul 12, 2014
Thank you! NEW
by: Jamie

I was curious about my truckers options for a fridge so I can send him health (and tastebud) friendly foods. You have me just the info I needed! Thank you!

Jun 12, 2014
Fridge NEW
by: TruckerYitz

There is a company called

They make 12 volt compressor fridge and freezers or combos.
So Ida not like the ones that are koolatrons that just cool the foods or warms them if plugged in the other direction.
They turn on and off based on the temps inside the fridge. They humm slightly as they turn on just like the kitchen home models. But all in all are very quite .
They make ones for different trucks as the bunk cabinets are
Different siEs for different trucks. And they plug into 12 v plugs near the bunk or in the cabinets.

Others that are fan cooled are on all the time , noisy and defiantly don't keep stuff cold and as
Fresh for long period like when truck is off .

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