refusal of pre-employment drug testing

by dick
(davenport ia)

What happens when you refuse a pre-employment drug test

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Mar 27, 2009
Drug Testing Refusal?
by: Jennifer Schnittker

Why would you refuse a drug test, unless you would piss dirty? Honestly, it seems you have some things to hide, and that is exactly what the companies are going to think.

I am not saying that you are currently involved with illegal drugs- but if you are, please reconsider. It is not only your life on the line, but the life of innocent people.

A big rig is a dangerous form of transportation, and solely rely on the abilities of those behind the wheel to keep our interstates, and those of us on it in a 4-wheeler safe!

Mar 23, 2009
by: Jimmy

I suppose that's a question. The answer's simple. You refuse a pre-employment drug test, the employer refuses to hire you. Jimmy

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