refused post accident urine screen

by N.K.M

I was on the clock for 7 hrs then left the mill to deliver pig feed to 7 different farms in Indiana. I fell asleep behind the wheel 9 hrs into shift just before my 1st stop.

I had bruised ribs which turns out they are broken... I can feel them stabbing me from the inside. I met supervisor that evening at emergency room asked for drug screen they didn't do screens for employers.

After hrs in ER I used restroom and 20 minutes later was asked to pee by supervisor. I refused because i had been up for 18 hrs, had been in a pretty serious CMV accident, in the worst pain of my life at the time... It has gotten worse!

Had to pick my 8 month old son from babysitter, and I had been texting supervisor all evening. He could have said found someone to take urine screen.

They terminated me days later for refusing screen!!! I need more medical care and they said if I take them to court and lose that I get 000000 NOTHING!

I would have to pay almost 10k in med bills for night of crash out of pocket... Or settle for 5k plus paid medical bills???

Can I win a case after refusing post accident drug screen?

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Jun 29, 2017
Seriously doubt it
by: Hervy

You are better off talking to a lawyer N.K.M. but I very seriously doubt it you will win any type of case.

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