Refusing an old truck coming back to work from sick leave

I have been off work for 4 months on FMLA and personal leave time when I called to go back to work they're trying to give me an old International instead of the new Freightliner that I was in with a single bunk with 307000 miles on it.

I am trying to tell them I don't want that old truck I want one like I had can they fire me if I refuse to get in the truck they're trying to give me my question is can they fire me for refusing to go in an old crappy truck

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Jul 29, 2016
Returning From Off Duty
by: Hervy

It's common practice for some companies unless you have assigned tractors to give you a different truck when returning to work after time off. No matter the reason. It's called slip seating.

Also, 300,000 miles is low miles for a truck man. Of course, that doesn't mean, it was keep up. I understand that, lol. But if you're worried that it will break down, because of those miles, don't worry about that.

That said, see if they will let you switch out when they get another truck turned in. Good luck on it having lower miles than that though.

Can they fire you? Well, I imagine even if they don't fire you, they can just let you sit around. Whether they fire you or not or even try to get you in another truck likely will depend on the relationship you had prior to this incident along with your job performance.

If you have been an awesome driver, they want you satisfied. If you have been unreliable, honestly, they don't care about whether you go or stay. As a matter of fact, if they are smart, they would rather any unreliable driver leave.

Those types of drivers are easily replaceable.

So, you might want to take into account your history with them, when you make demands on them. They are certainly going to do that. If you think about it, it makes sense to do so.

That's why I talk to drivers about having a certain type of attitude and work ethic. It gives you leverage and bargaining power. But it's just the right(read winning) mindset anyway.

Hope it works out for you.

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