Relationships seems distant - please help

My husband has been driving for about 2 years now. He started over the road when our daughter was 3 months old.

Its always been hard but lately its gotten worse. We are very disconnected. He is home about 2 nights a week and those nights he plays with our daughter and sleeps.

I get no attention from him. I know that sounds very selfish but we use to be so in love and lately its like he doesn't care. Is he getting burnt out or is it something else?

Have any other wives felt this way?

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Nov 19, 2013
Introduce 3rd Party Information
by: Hervy

It's hard for us to tell which or what is likely to be the cause. I can tell you that this is a common situation. That doesn't make it right or wrong, and it is still sad.

Also, no you are not being selfish to feel like there should be more interaction and intimacy. It should be expected in a loving relationships.

At the same time, you are wise not to jump to conclusion but rather seek insight about what could be the issue.

My suggestion is to communicate with him how you feel and since you guys were once very close, it would seem that you could do that. Some couples have trouble talking about such things or rather not due to the current current feeling of distance.

In the case of not having a good lines of communication (or lack of understanding during communication) introduce a 3rd party like a counselor, or 3rd party information like a video or CD that make him think a different way about the relationships.

Two relationship videos are below and these page has free relationship download to help with conversation

Nov 19, 2013
by: Anonymous

he might be burnt out...its very hard to put up with the thousands of reckless car drivers that the dmv so easily gives drivers license to.....

I know these drivers are very reckless because they drive with blinders on.... and truck drivers can not drive like that due to the severity of great impact if an accident occurs.....very high stress job, he probably doesnt want you to know all the details because you would virtually freak out for his safety!!!

I have went on runs with my hubby and it is frightening to know how a small vehicle would challenge a monster of a truck just to get ahead one space... these drivers are ridiculous and love tempting the hands of faith....

Consider that this is all he does day in day out and be glad you dont have to hear the gory details...and if he does tell you find other things to talk about...

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