return to trucking after testing positive - Is Prime Inc a Good Second Chance Co?

by michael siniard

good afternoon everyone

I lost a friend I served with in the Army almost 3 years ago, I did not take it well and did something stupid by smoking weed, I failed a DOT drug test,

I went though all required classes needed to be reinstated but had zero success couple companies like Prime transport said they would likely give me a second chance at the 3 year mark which is in April.

They said They would put me in CDL school, and send me out with a trainer, I'm extremely grateful for a second chance.

Can anyone offer me some insight into this company. I appreciate any advice given. Thank You

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Jan 27, 2025
Prime Has Mixed Reviews
by: Hervy

This is not uncommon. By you asking questions first, likely you will have a good experience because you are seeking information.

Most of the positive minded guys I've spoken to appreciated Prime and had a great experience overall.

The main thing to avoid is their pressuring you to lease a truck with them.

Save your money and drive for a year. If by then you feel like you can train, then that will definitely put more money in your pocket.

I wouldn't train or lease a truck earlier than a year. Make sure you love it, and make sure you understand trucking well.

After a year of you building credit and saving, you are better off buying from a dealership if you can. But if you'd rather lease, then you've had time to weight the pro's and con's after knowing more about the industry.

Prime Inc Trucking

Leasing a truck

Best of luck my friend!

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