Riding with your husband can be amazing. It's what you make it.

I have been with my husband for 7 years we got married once he got his CDL we been together over the road for 5 years.

I thought that it was very easy being a truck driver it's not. it's very hard. you lose a lot of sleep. it's not healthy and you lose reality what's going on today because you're always on the road from one state to another butt over the five years I have learned a lot and I hope you ladies understand this what our husbands do.

Some people cannot do they are the ones that makes the world goes round. without them taking items food everything you can think of in this world over the road they are the eye-opener of the world.

I've been over the road with my husband and I love it. it's fun and it's exciting. I get to see different parts of the world have never seen before and I am sharing it with him ladies you have to understand why is going over the road with them. every now and then give them a piece of Mind of their world that we are part of it.

so please if you have time to take off spend a week or two with them to see what they're talking about up front close up I'm happy I am a truck driver's wife and ladies I understand that truck drivers makes the world go round.

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Dec 20, 2017
New trucker wife NEW
by: Aerial

I am about to go on the road with mine and i am excited but nervous. i kind of know what to expect because my dad is a truck driver and i have been out with him. however, it was for a short period of time and this time, it will be for a year or more. any advice? i am 21 years old and he is 22.

Feb 09, 2017
I think it is helpful
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing your experience and perspective. Lots of women are hesitant about going trucking over the road with their husbands.

I think your testimony will make them more open to riding along.

Husband and Wife sharing that experience of being on the road together I believe has the potential to improve the relationship.

Feb 09, 2017
I think it is helpful
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing your experience and perspective. Lots of women are hesitant about going trucking over the road with their husbands.

I think your testimony will make them more open to riding along.

Husband and Wife sharing that experience of being on the road together I believe has the potential to improve the relationship.

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