road widow

by Angela

I met my husband when he was in the Army, so I was prepared to have him being gone on long deployments and training. But he was medically discharged about 7 months after we were married, So he never had to go over. Shortly after he was discharged he recieved his CDL and started over the road driving. It was really hard at first, but then I tried to remember how lucky I really em that I get to see him pretty much every weekend vs him being gone for a year and his life bieng in more in danger. I still have my days, but thank God for cellphones :)

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Mar 27, 2009
Road Widow?
by: Anonymous

I noticed your comment, and I am sure you are thankful that you see him more often. I go through this with my husband- It took me a long time to get over the "not seeing him every day." That is where I coined the phrase "single wife." I don't think I could ever put the word "widow" in with a statement with my husband.

Sometimes you can speak things into existence, and that is just not a phrase i want to associate with my marriage. It does get easier, the longer you go. With to today's economy, it seems that many drivers are being laid off. I know my husband is now, and believe me when i say I am eating it up!

Mar 19, 2009
life as a trucker's wife
by: Hervy

Hi Angela,

Thanks for sharing. God works in mysterious ways huh?

I was wondering if you guys had kids, most companies will let you ride along if you don't have anything to tend to at home. Yous guys could give the cell a break! :-)

Glad your husband ended up not having to deploy.

Good luck,

Mar 17, 2009
Angela misses hubby.
by: Jimmy

Sounds like you are adapting pretty good. Good luck. Jimmy

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