RoadMaster Driving School 0 Worth the investment?

by darlene
(nashville tennessee)

Ive put some feelers out to help me get my CDL.

I went through a 30 min phone interview with Roadmaster. Im on the the financial aid portion of the process. I wonder how this school is? I dont want to wind up owing them 6k and it not being worth it or a respectable place to come out of.


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Jan 26, 2010
Welcome Darlene (cont'd)
by: NickV

Tells me what hes doing to the truck, how long it will be, and assures me he has looked my rig over and it is safe. Man I felt so cool, he got done and came and handed me the keys, said you be safe out there driver and we walked to the truck.

I was on top of the world, felt like all my hard work had paid off finally. Well as quick as all that happened it was like a movie where the needle scratches across the record and my trainer goes, gimmie them keys, your out of hours today HAHA.

These guys will probably think i'm a dork for that little story but man I felt like a bad ass. Anyway, like I said, do your research, don't go jumping into it full steam ahead, take your time.

Them people at Roadmasters are going to tell you, you make a million dollars a year, its just not true. In fact alot of what they tell you isn't true.

All they are trying to do is just like a car salesman, just sign the line buddy, smartest thing you will ever do...well could be, couldn't be. Never know. Whatever you decide keep us updated. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Like I have said before and I will say it again, you need the info its here somewhere and if its not just ask and you will get a response back ASAP and it will be accurate.

Good Luck to you in whatever you decide!

Jan 26, 2010
Welcome Darlene
by: NickV

Well, really cant tell ya what to believe with them driving schools. I personally went to Roadmasters, did my time, passed everything with like a 98%. Got done and those greased wheels came to an abrupt stop.

I had a kind of extensive background so it may just be me but they helped me out...ZERO! I kinda felt like that time when you were young and dumb and bought that lemon of a car, you know where the salesman treats you like a million bucks and you think man this guy is really looking out for me and then you drive it off the lot and the freakin engine block is cracked so you take it back and he says, huh, thats weird, never seen you before haha.

Took me 9 months to find a job Darlene, 9 months. And it wasnt on Roadmasters behalf either. With great advice from the gentleman on this site and hard work from myself and my girlfriend I filled out what felt like countless applications, sometimes two or three to the same company and finally hit gold...literally haha.

Company i'm with isn't the best, don't pay worth jack, but hey, im driving and no one can deny me experience when im behind the wheel. Gotta put in my time and move on when the time is right.

Do your research, call some companies and see if maybe you cant get the ball rolling before you sign that line. Im telling you right now they are treating you just like that sucker that pulls up to the car dealership right now.

Licking their lips, telling you what you want to hear, making the industry sound so great. YOU DO NOT get paid as much as they say. I just went out for my first month and promise you, didn't make more than 1200 bucks and I think that is pushin it, maybe it was 1000.

Just do your research. If youd like go over on the side tabs and look at Member Profiles. Think I am under newbies. I have pretty much documented every step I have made on this site and you can read about my story.

Now, this is my story, not saying you will have problems like I did. You may go to school, graduate, and be on a bus to orientation the next day, no tellin. As far as my personal opionion goes I Love it.

Being out on the open road, the sights are amazing, bout 98% of the truckers you run into are nice, funny, hard working Americans, there is a certain brotherhood you become involved in.

The other day we had to drop our truck off at one of our yards for a PM service (preventative maintenance)and I happened to be driving when we dropped it off.

Well I went out to smoke and on the way back in the mechanic started yelling DRIVER, DRIVER, I had walked past not thinking a thing. Starts again DRIVER so finally I turn around to see what all the commotion is about and he walks up to me!

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