
by Robert Terry
(Oklahoma City, Ok)

I am thinking about getting back in to the trucking business. Worked as a driver for my uncle many years ago and now looking to retire from my present job and go back to driving.

I am thinking about buying my own truck. I guess first question is what type of truck is best Freightliner or what?

What is the best trailer? not sure if I want to go with a dry van or a reefer any advice?

How is Fedx to drive for as a critical customer expeditor?


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Nov 20, 2011
Robert NEW
by: Dennis Shipman

I echo Hervy's comments, Robert. Hervy should also link you to the "Onus of Operators." Best of Luck. 10-4?

Nov 20, 2011
Becoming an owner operator in today's economy NEW
by: hervy

Robert, I have asked that question over and over to mechanics about which truck is best to have.

I have ended up with the same answered as what I had assumed from my own line of thinking.

It doesn't matter. lol. Or I should say, It only matters to the guy buying the truck. It depends really on what your frame of mind is.

What is important to you about the truck is the question you have to ask.

Resale Value - You will have to get current update
Looks - Driver preference
Dependability - (Motor matter more than Make)
Cost of Repairs - Higher on KW & Cummings on avg
Convenience of Maintenance - Freightliner


The engine is more important and really you have to do the same check off of what's important to you each has benefits and downsize.

For instance, my first 2 trucks were old freightliners with Detroit engines. Easy to be worked on anywhere, low taxes because people undervalue it because it is not flashy, insurance low because the value is low, help up very well.

Likely I would do it again unless my goals in ownership were to change. Then it was straight profit margin, keeping the same truck and fixing it indefinitely.

Someone else may have a different strategy. For instance wanting a continuous write off for lease payments and ride New, etc.

As far and getting a refrigerated or Dry Van.
Go ahead and get a refer if you are open to hauling those loads. Very few regular load will take up the full 53' dry van.

With experience in the game and extra cash, you are probably much better positioned for whatever comes, especially since your researching. I would definitely do it if I were you with what little I know about your circumstances.

check into Landstar if you are going to lease on to someone. Most O/O's are very happy with what they have to offer.

Fedex is good to though. I talked to Larry who has several trucks over there making enough to have drivers in them. Been doing it for years, he is on video on this page. Plus you can call him number on video. He is a good people.
becoming an owner operator

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