Rock Hill sc..only 19 but in truck driver school

by Timothy McNeil
(Rock Hill )

I am a 19yr old and trying to become a dedicated company driver looking for experience in the field.

I'm currently enrolled in a 9wk training class in my home town of rock hill and graduate on august 20, 2017.

I've paid out of pocket over 4 grand just up enter in the field of trucking but every where I turn I run into the same situation age must be 21 to 25 so I'm just wanting to get a start somewhere thanks
Timothy McNeil

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Jul 14, 2017
Household goods movers. NEW
by: Anonymous

Many drivers 18 - 21 yrs. old work for household goods movers.
Google : Household Goods Movers Rock Hill,SC- then start applying. You'll start out as a driver helper with lots of manual labor, but can drive within the state. If you cross the state line, you'll have to sit in the passenger seat and let the other guy drive.
Even though you won't be doing as much driving, the time working there will count as experience on your cdl.

Jul 13, 2017
Way to go get it!
by: Hervy

Congrats on knowing what u want and going for it Timothy. Thats very repectable to be able to pay for training at 19 too as well. Says a lot about you.

I would suggest to get a helper job with a moving company. Learn that business man. There is a little paperwork involved but its an automatic job when you hit 21 and if you want to buy a truck later that pays very well.

Best of luck, stay focused!

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