Running over animals (roadkill)

by Jeff

Is running over animals while driving (roadkill) a serious problem for truckers?

What animals present the worst problem? Deer? Racoon? Squirrel? Which animal do you most commonly hit?

If you had a device that could scare away animals and prevent them from hitting your truck, would you be interested in it?

Do you ever honk your horn as a way to scare off animals from the road? Does it work?

Has an animal you hit with your truck ever caused damage to your truck?

We are a 7th-grade team of students building a science ​project that can deter animals and we are interested in a trucker's perspective on animals hitting trucks.


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Mar 07, 2020
Roadkill NEW
by: Anonymous

If it is a large truck with dual wheels. I whould just run right over the dead animals. They are no match. They will just be smashed under the wheels.

Nov 05, 2016
Road kill
by: TruckerYitz

So the worst for me was when two deer ran into the front end of truck . They ran across road and for some
Reason just froze and headed into truck .

Well took out the radiator and and made a mess inside engine area .

Was towed , truck and trailer and me and my doggy .
A truck stop and was there for three days while parts and repairs were made .

I've seen elk in the road, beer , cows, and sheep, and out west seen some wild horses too . And of course dogs and cats . Oh and turkeys too .

But the most serious damadged to drivers will be the deer .

Nov 05, 2016
most common hit animal when trucking
by: Hervy

Very interesting Jeff. Good luck to the class.

The most common thing I hit was birds. No damage.

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