Sad and confused about his behavior

I'm the wife of a truck driver and it's very difficult. I find it hard to believe all his habits prior to me have "changed"...picking up prostitutes hanging out at bars and strip clubs, picking up female hitchhikers. Stop seeing the woman he's met on his trips and his behavior when something doesn't make sense he becomes angry and violent.

None of this makes sense or does it....I know I don't deserve this yet he can never lovingly put my mind to rest.

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Nov 28, 2014
your right NEW
by: Anonymous

my trucker works that amount of time he showers everyday and eats out at least 3 times a day so lets add that to the 14 hours that leaves him exactly 8 hours to i dont think he has time for all this foolishness either...

check and see if your husband might be on drugs cause even superman couldnt keep all these hours you claim he is out there messing around??

Nov 27, 2014
im a trucker NEW
by: Anonymous

I work darn near 14 hours a day and do not have the time for all the fun he is having.

so i wonder where he has the time and money for what you are describing!

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