Sad marriage


I've been married for 18 years and they have not been great. I have put up with a lot of loneliness and feelings of emptiness when it comes to my marriage.

Half the time, I do not know where my husband is. I am raising kids by myself, thank God they are good kids.

I work, attend all school and church functions, and provide mental support to my kids. My husband does not disclose how much he makes or bring home.

He has missed out on every important event of our children's live. He's never here for band concerts and he missed our daughter's senior prom. He doesn't support my dreams and we do not spend any time together as a couple. I really want to leave him because I hate being a trucker's wife.

I believe he is cheating, but I can't prove it. Sometimes I wish a woman would call or show up at my door so I can end this marriage.

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Oct 17, 2012
Get a divorce for abandonment NEW
by: Anonymous

I do think that it is time to move on life is to short to be miserable, this man does not repect the marriage, nor does he repect the family union. Ask yourself what is or are you gaining out this marraige. File for a divorce.

Oct 17, 2012
Get a divorce for abandonment NEW
by: Anonymous

I do think that it is time to move on life is to short to be miserable, this man does not repect the marriage, nor does he repect the family union. Ask yourself what is or are you gaining out this marraige. File for a divorce.

Sep 23, 2012
Agree... NEW
by: Anonymous

I, too, am very sorry you're going through such a rough time. I've walked in your shoes as a trucker's wife who basically lives a separate life from her man, never knows where he really is, how much he's making, however, in my case I actually have proof of an affair.

After much consideration, I chose to stick it out and we're working on making it better. I realize that's not the choice every woman would make, but I couldn't in good conscience give up on 15 years with the man I love without one last try.

It sounds like you've already started the difficult process of re-evaluating your relationship and I hope the answer will become clear sooner rather than later for your sake. I agree with what the other poster said about needing to do what's best for you. Your husband will survive...he's been doing okay on his own up until now and will continue. You are in charge of your own happiness.

No matter what route you choose, I wish you the best. Be confident and strong in your decision and don't let him sway you from doing what's in your best interest.

Good luck!!

Sep 22, 2012
Dont do this to yourself NEW
by: Anonymous

You are being unfair to yourself. I feel your pain just from your post. Don't look for excuses to end it, you may be waiting around forever then. You have been married to him long enough to reap the benefits of alimony and child support with divorce proceedings, and then you will be able to see what he has made as far as wages all along and possibly any hidden assets, he has kept from you and your kids. Believe me you will come out the winner. Don't do this if you still love him though, you might be making a mistake. If you genuinely want out, now is the time. You will be able to keep the house if you want it, for the safety of the kids. He can live in his truck now, just as he has been all these years, don't worry about that he isn't!

Wishing you the best and be strong and look out for you!!

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