by Sophia
I'm a truckers girlfriend, relatively new.
Sometimes I feel like I miss him more then he misses me. I understand that being on the road can very stressful and tiresome a lot of the time so I tend to just ignore these feelings until they pass.
In the beginning he seemed more cheerful and excited when we would chat on the phone. Now, I get the impression that for him it feels more like an obligation.
We don't get to see each other very often so is it too much to ask that I want to get as much time with him in when he is home?
I think just writing this is making me feel better. I just get myself worked up for nothing. It really is true when people say that you can love someone so much it hurts.
Our relationship is great. When we are together I could never be happier. I think that being on the road just makes him tired and cranky, and I'm taking it too personally when he sounds edgy on the phone sometimes.
Okay, I'm done my little rant. I actually do feel a lot better. How do you cope when you get sad or miss your man?