Safe Drivers Institute of America

by Vic

Safe Drivers Institute in Indianapolis Indiana uses the P.T.D.I. curriculum and also they use a one to one (driver to instructor) ratio while you are driving.

The curriculum not only helps you attain your CDL License, they also provide Fork Lift Training and train you in the Smith System.

If you are looking for a great school, contact Kathey at Safe Drivers Institute at 317 260 5104 and she will give you all the details.

They are located at 1310 S. West Street Indianapolis, Indiana 462225

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Jan 24, 2015
re: better information
by: mranderson4cdl

Blog websites are somewhat informative, but not valuable to the everyday person looking for a cdl training school. I'm a retired field recruiter for a major trucking company for 33 years. You are lacking some great information based on what they have copied from the internet to build a blog, My information is based on my 33 years as a field recruiter traveling to truck driving school across this great company.

I know who are the very best cdl training schools and I also had to learn about about my competitors also recruiting at the same locations I visited. I know each company that is hiring student drivers. Everyone that has entered this industry has needs. If you are not matched up with a company that fits your needs, then you're not going to be happy. This is where I come into the picture. Communicating with me will help you pick the right company for your need and again sign no contracts.

The best cdl training school in the united states is not listed. This school chain is ranked by the entire trucking industry as the number one industry training school by all major carriers nation wide.

If you are interested in getting better information, then contact me at and get 39 years of true answers to finding a cdl school and only spend $300.00 out of pocket and sign NO contracts. That's the kind of info I bring to the table.

I hope everyone that reads this will contact me before they approach any cdl training school. You have on your list a lot of training schools that make people sign contracts. You should never have to sign a contract.

My take on certified hours of training. Community colleges do not do job placement, they do job assistance, which means they give you an application and your own your own. Good schools will be represented by major carriers and they will fax your application and track it. Good schools have a communication with the carriers to help you get placed in the company that fits your needs.

Do not be fooled by blogs that offer information on getting a cdl. They try and list a ton of things, but not your best options. When I post blogs, it's based on the best of the best, so you know who you need to contact. I will never list a cdl school that has contracted training or make you sign a contract.

Has anyone ever posted what it takes to get a cdl job? Anyone can get a cdl license, but you better know about the things cdl schools do not want you to know. This information can be found at or email me at

Arm Yourself.

Sep 25, 2013
by: Ricky Grogan

I want to thank (sdia) for all the support and encouragement they gave me at (sdia).Kathey is a exellent teacher,I learned about rules,safety,health,and personality(wow)she,s awesome!Lowell and Charley are the driving instructers, They have over 60 years in the trucking industry. They really want you to succeed.I really appreciate everything they did for me and my family and career!

Feb 18, 2013
safe drivers paying more
by: Roger H. Groot

I just read the interview with J.Robert Hunter where he explained how after a study they found where some drivers who have a safe driving record in some cases pay more.

My question is do you know how a organization such as yours or other traffic organizations could collectively contact the attorney general and he could look into the insurance companies and determine why this is happening?

I am a part-time trucker with 58 years this year on the road,well over 5,000,000 miles,a safety advocate and all insurance companies are charging more for drivers over 75 because of the statistics.

I think insurance companies should evaluate each driver before lumping them all in one group.This is discrimination. I have one moving violation in 1953 and a 30 year safe driving award and I resent being charged more!

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