
by Samantha

My name is Samantha,

Im a stay at home mom to my two kids. Bf and I have not been together long but it feels like forever.

I'm going back to school to finally finish my degree(next semester).

I'm 20 almost 21. My oldest will be three in December and my youngest is turning 1 on Monday!!!!!!

I have no issues with bf choice of work, although at this point he has only been gone a week at training. The hardest part *so far* has been my kids asking where he is, and just today his false promised home time.

I hope to be able to get/give advice, support, a listening ear (reading eyes?), and find ways to be the best supporter I can for him as well as be the best mom (and dad since that's how they see him) as i can be to my babies while hes gone.

I know there's so much I don't know and look forward to learning from/with you all!!

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Aug 26, 2012
Funny thing is NEW
by: Anonymous

Funny thing is that she moved two hours away when we graduated high school and still expected me (with a 5mo old Breastfed baby) to get a sitter and come out with her. That's a lot of gas money #1 #2 I can't go out every weekend and even when I can I can only be out for 6 hours max before my boobs start hurting so bad I cry. She has been distant since then. But I still call/text her as much as I can.
And yeah preaching to the choir about biting my lip lol my nana is throwing a fit, but my dad helped me there!! (yay for awesome dads) and she's chilled out.

Aug 26, 2012
oh well friends will be friends NEW
by: Helonwheels

Try to stay in contact with them anyway sometimes us friends can be a little forward even when we only want the best! You will need people to talk with when you are far away even if it means you have to bite your tongue when listening to them and their ranting about your choices you are making?? lol!! People are funny that way they seem to know whats best for us...hehehehehe

You know what you are doing... your a grown woman and the choices are yours... not anyone Else's.. even if we make bad choices... in the end will have to deal with it not them.

Also people are afraid of change and you going away somehow might make them feel sad so they might say things they don't mean.

Hang in there kiddo and make what works for you work! :)

Aug 26, 2012
Thank you! NEW
by: Anonymous

Things are slowly getting better and were getting used to him being gone. It'll be nice when he gets to come home tho.
And thank you your the fishy person to say that to me, none of my "friends" (they don't really keep in touch and I dot have a best friend to really vent to) all say I'm crazy for not only supporting him in his decisio but helping him and moving so far away so we can see him a bit more. Even a few military wives I know say I'm crazy. But we do insane things for those we love right?

Aug 26, 2012
Good for you!! :) NEW
by: Helonwheels

Things are going good and take some credit for being a strong woman and taking care of your family the best you know how!

God Bless! :)

Aug 26, 2012
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Yeah I know him telling me before he actually left was cuz he was excited to see my youngest since it is her birthday tomorrow, and he knows how much we miss him.
And yeah I know it will be hard but I've been a single mom for almost three years, so that part will actually be easy. And I am moving three hours from all my friends and family to be closer to his terminal, I'm terrified if living where I don't know anyone and he won't be there till almost a month after we move.
We all got a good morning call today and everyone is in a better mood. Thank goodness

Aug 26, 2012
Planning NEW
by: Anonymous

I am sure he did not mean to make a false promise to be home for a visit. These visits can not be relied on because well he is on the road and things happen that delay the home time and I am sure not intentionally.

Suggestions are a good start for you so you know what to expect and what you can do to plan around all the issues that arise from this lifestyle.

Knowing this helps you to understand that well... it is what it is, many nights alone...taking care of children on your own....paying bills....going to school all of which you alone will have the responsibility of.

No sugar coating this lifestyle it is hard. If it helps after about 10 years of company driving my trucker went owner/operator.. pick and choose where he would go. For 7 years and then it happened truck went down...then had to purchase another used one...4 years later the economy crash of 2008 killed it all. No work for a year which was good in an odd way he was home everyday. Well its in the blood and he went independent again and with this company for 3 years now he is able to get the days off he needs and wants and is good at arranging his schedule even holidays and vacation! There were many years he was able to do what he wanted as far as a trucking career goes.. it takes some creativity that's all....and your time will come too.

We live in Cali. so I am not sure how it works in other states but it is great here for trucking and I hear Texas as well...maybe consider a good move so that family can be together more often might be something to think about...

Good Luck and God Bless!
Helonwheels :)

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