Same truck each time and what about my car?

by Joe
(Duluth, GA)

So it is time for me to go to work and I drive my car to the trucking company. I pick up a truck to head out on the road for ten days or so - do I leave my car parked right there? No one bothers it?
Then I come back (eventually), do I unload everything out of the truck because I won't get the same truck after being off for two days or do you always get back into the same truck?

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Mar 28, 2009
Joe in Ga.
by: Jimmy

Hey Joe, I'll just add one thing to Hervy's response. Be advised that your assigned truck belongs to the company you work for. So, it is possible, when you are on time off and your truck is at the yard, the company may need to use it for an emergency. Not always, but it's possible.

There have been times I left my truck in the yard and came back and it was gone and my stuff was piled in a corner in the greasy shop. And there have been times I was told to use a certain truck, which was full of someone elses stuff, and either have to remove it or do a run with their stuff still in it.

One time, I was suppose to do a quick overnight with someones truck and ended up being out for 4 days. Meanwhile, the assigned driver had come back and his truck was 800 miles away being used by me. Can you say "a screwed up mess"?

Just play it by ear and get used to surprises in this biz. Jimmy

Mar 28, 2009
trucking info about parking your car and slip seating
by: Hervy

Hello Joe,

Most trucking companies have a parking area for trucker's four wheelers. Some are gated some are not. Any good trucking company should have appropriate parking. Meaning that if it is a problem area it should be gated, and or have security. (Some do and some don't depends on size and location of terminal) You'll have to pay attention to the condition of the cars parked as well as be observant of the neighborhood when visiting the trucking company. Of course, also ask directly if there has been any problems with break ins or vandalism of cars left parked.

Some companies will let you drive the truck home, it all depends on their policies and where you live from the terminal.

Slip seating is when someone else jumps in the truck you were driving when you come in for home time. Some companies do slip seating and some do not. When they don't do slip seating you are 'assigned a tractor'. When you call companies ask do they have slip seating or assigned tractors. This will tell you what to expect.

These are questions you want answers to before you get hired if they are important to you don't assume it will work out the way you want and then be dissappointed if are hired then find out you are uncomfortable with the policies. Find out before hand so you can go to a company that operates in a way that is comfortable to you. That way it won't be something that is stressing you.


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