Sassie Cassie

by Cassie
(Pittsburgh, PA)

Lady Trucker - Sassie Cassie

Lady Trucker - Sassie Cassie

I'm a female trucker and I love my job and my life. Sometimes being out here on the road can get a little unnerving but I have learned to breathe and let it go.

Ive been hit on many times by lonely guys but I just tell them I have a man, which I love very much, they laugh and say that won't last very long out here over the road, they just don't know me or my man.

At orientation with my current company I was proposed to. Lol. I laughed for the rest of the night about that one. It seems some are just out on the road to play games. Risky games at that. I'm out here to make a good living, better than one I could get at home.

I really love what I do. I watch other drivers when I am parked to see how they get into those really tight spaces that really scare me still. I have almost a year of experience now and so much to learn.

There's a lot of great people out here too that are willing to help. There's nothing else in the world I would want to do except maybe being a doctor. Lol.

Hope I helped in some small way and thank you for this post.

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Feb 13, 2017
Keep on shining and being Sassie Cassie
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Sassie Cassie. Sounds like you are a good example for lady truckers wanting to enter the trucking lifestyle. Especially while being in a committed relationship.

Wishing you and yours lot of luck and success.

Stay strong and interdependent.

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