scams in trucking

by Thomas
(Sheldon, Iowa, USA)

What scams should I look for in a company. That I'm looking into.

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May 15, 2009
Trucking Scams
by: Hervy

Thomas are you talking about training or trucking companies.

When you say scams, I really would like to know in detail what part you are questioning as a scam to make sure we address your specific concerns.

I will give it a shot with my personal view of what constitutes a scam.

For instance the view that anonymous has doesn't exactly constitute as being a scam.

Large companies will hire new inexperienced guys at very low compensation yes. How is it a scam, does the new driver not get to put that OTR driving time on his or her record. Does the driver get an opportunity drive when so many other companies say no?

Isn't it a fact that hiring new drivers in the industry means the company is taking a greater risk than requiring a years experience to get on?
They have to pay higher insurance and deal with a lot of incidence for taking that risk so if you really think about it is not a scam to pay less your expenses are more so it makes sense to pay less simply to make a profit. If it were not for these companies, many drivers wouldn't get a chance to gain experience.

Doesn't seem to fair if you only look at one side of story but when you look at both sides then it makes more sense. To me it's no scam.

Anonymous says that the training is a sham, well I agree that some of those trainers may not be top notch but the newbie will learn a lot no matter how bad the trainer is as long as he or she is out there going through the motions every day. You can't be out there and not learn.

Fact of the matter is, there is a understood trade off and both parties benefit. That doesn't qualify as a scam to me.

I want you trainees to know, "don't be intimidated by the trainer, most companies has a protocol for addressing bad trainers, get in touch with the company to see what the proper steps are to take if your trainer is mistreating or taking advantage of you. DO NOT feel like you better keep your mouth shut because the trainer has history. (IF YOU RIGHT, That is)

Document your problems, as you voice your conerns with what going on. If there is no change take your documentation of problems to the next level.

All large companies are not the same and all trainers are not the same. Common sense will tell you that no company would intentionally have a bunch of clowns training. Will there be some, of course.

Don't sweat it, start off you will only have so many options to choose from, choose what's best for you based on your feedback from drivers of the companies that you are choosing from.

That is your best possible information to make the decision. Don't stress about general statements what could happen. Do what you can to make what happens to you be favorable.

This you are in the process of doing now.
You will be fine. Keep asking questions and plan accordingly.

Remember, things are slow for the time being, I expect things will pick up by the end of the year.(just my opinion)

Good luck Thomas

May 14, 2009
watch out for the big guys
by: Anonymous

All the really big companies that will hire just about anyone is a scam. Their oreintations and physicals are a joke and the training is a waste of time you could be spending making money.
The turn over rate is something like 600%. They will force you to drive the maximum hours and pay you less than $1.00 an hour. You will never get home unless you beg for it weeks in advance. It is not a concern to these companies where they leave you sitting for days at a time. If you get stuck with a horrile trainer/co-driver they will say "this is what we haveavailable". Beware the big companies. If you have skills stick with a smaller company or stay close to home with a local gig to get your experience.

May 14, 2009
by: Jimmy

Thomas, it's a crap shoot going with any company. Smaller companies are more likely to give it to you straight. Small company is 100-500 trucks. Just know that the recruiter will 'puff' his company, IE, tell you his is the best. You just need to experience it and expect the unexpected. Jimmy

May 10, 2011
A & C Express
by: Anonymous

Called us to haul a load we were brokering and sent in his carrier packet; was checked with CSA and report was fine. He called to tell me he was at the Shipper picking up asked for fuel advance plus pallet charges, gave him a T check for $2865
He triple brokered the load to this Awall express who said this James Carson person at A & C Express was not answering his phone and another carrier brokered him the load, he could not do it he said it was brokered to him to go to Mesa, AZ. So, this was supposed to go from Oregon to Massachusetts, this driver was supposed to drop freight at cold storage facility today. This mans name was Ben, I do not know how many people are involved in the scam, the t check report had about 5 withdrawals all in Northern CA with a balance left of $55, I am reporting this to the Police, DOT, TIA, MO State Police as well as CA State police

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