Scared about being a trucker's wife

by Amelia Monroe
(Marion, AR, Crittenden)

I am a new truckers wife. My husband is my best friend and a good man of God. We have two kids.. One of our kids is special needs and it is really hard even with him here.

Now he is on the road and I am drowning in worry about him and safety, our son and taking care of him, finances, our relationship and what to do with myself while he is gone....

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Oct 31, 2011
great advice
by: hervy

wow, what great advice from Mommyof2 and Anon.

They are right Amelia, just stay positive and take full advantage of the time. Like Anon said see if you can get more into something that has always interested you.

If there is nothing like that....take a class online about something that could help you or hubby.

Maybe something that allowed you to work at home. If that doesn't do it for you, maybe start a support group in your area for Mothers or families with a special needs child. Running this will surely take up some of your time and focus in a positive way.

Well, let us know how you ended up handling things.

Take care

Oct 28, 2011
it's not that hard....
by: Mommyof2

take it one day at a time one moment at a time. Believe in yourself and remember to breathe. My daughter is special needs as well and our driver is always having to stay out on the road to help support us financially. I miss him dearly and he's my hero for being able to make such a huge sacrifice for us.

As long as you keep the communication flowing, and remember that his job is NOT glorious and he's not escaping everything at home it will help your stress levels. Of course i would also advise him to remember that he is not the only one making a huge sacrifice. It takes very strong and independant woman to handle all the challenges of this life.

Best of wishes to you and your family where ever the road takes you......

Oct 27, 2011
It will be okay as a trucker's wife
by: Anonymous

I was like that when my husband started driving. Honestly it's hard and there is no way around that. Communication is key.

All you can do is give everyday your best efforts trust in the love you two have for one another and know that it's hard for the both of you. He is doing this for you all. He is out on the road and needs to be focused and knowing that you are at home supporting him and taking care of things being strong willed will help...

I have three kids my oldest is eleven my youngest is seven. I work too and with their homework after school activities doc appointments meetings running errands cleaning cooking ironing taking care of our dog etc. I am always busy.

You will see by taking care of things at home you won't need to wonder what to do it will come naturally. Oh and if you once had something you were interested in but never had time to do here is your chance.

Mine is exercising. I love to end my day exercising it helps relieve stress. God Bless and Good Luck to you and your Family.

I hope something I said was helpful.

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