School Assignment question

What is the last thing, a truck driver has to do at the end of the day or once the delivery has been made?

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Mar 29, 2015
Now what ? NEW
by: Jimmy

There's a couple different scenarios that may apply. If you're "under a load" as it's called, that being you loaded in Calif for instance and are delivering to Ohio, so you drive 10-11 hrs on day 1, then get parked for the night and the last thing you do is : (pick 1) eat dinner, shower, check your truck, do some paperwork, map your next days route. It's up to you, but all these things are necessary to complete your day.

The other scenario is you deliver your load at 10 am for instance, now it's possible you may get a dispatch to head somewhere and pick up another load, which may be the same day or an appointment to load for the next day. You may pick up in the same city you just delivered in, or deadhead 100 miles for the next pick up.

You're not always able to park at a truck stop. You may have to rough it in a rest area or even on some side street in some strange town or even at the customer's warehouse. Jimmy

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