Screwed over - Can the company fire me like this

by Dean
(Abbotsford bc )

I have a grandfathered contract with a company- I hurt myself last Dec and required surgery while working ! I am now ready to resume my duties but have been shown the door!

Can they do that??

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Oct 31, 2016
You're better for it
by: Ohio Road Warrior

Bud, sounds like it's time to move on. Owner Op's are in a high demand. Tell them to honor and do the right thing, or tell them the competition will get a call !

What did you haul ?

Oct 28, 2016
Tnx for your input !
by: Tracey

( written without prejudice) --Thank you for your comment -- it all boiled down to the contract being too high revenue & this was their way to show Dean the door -- however they did offer him a new division and starting at the bottom !13+ yrs of being a loyal employee and hard worker , got him nowhere in the end !!

I am definitely looking into speaking to a lawyer even though he is an owner operator he did have a grandfather contract with them he hurt himself on their job and was told from the beginning absolutely rehab in return ! Was told 10 days before going back yes you have a job to get a call back that same afternoon saying --no we're not taking you back as an owner operator in the b-train division !! -- It's more how they done it then anything --- He has a sick wife ( myself) @ home with huge medical bills & they know it ! Some advance notice would of been the right thing to do !!-- Not 10 days before returning!! No compassion at all from this company ! So sad!

Oct 28, 2016
Hire and Fire "at will"
by: Anonymous

In a word "yes"

Doesn't mean you have to take it sitting down though, just depends what kind of time and resources you have

1) Money

2) Attorney

I've been through this before. The company had over 3000 employees. I sued, rep'd myself.

I won.

It took nearly a year.

You have to ask yourself, "is it worth it?"

Can you hold out? How are you in a courtroom? Depositions?

Eyes in the back of your head?

If you have that kind of stamina, you can do it, if you have some shred of recourse.

I was trained to be very comfortable in the courtroom and the judicial system. I've been educated and self-educated.

It takes a lot out of you and it depends how bad you want it. No guarantees.

You could just let it go and walk away. If they slander you in your search for a new job.. you might think twice.

Whichever you choose, good luck.

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