Seems like the nice guys dont win!

by David
(Paterson, New Jersey)

It all started in 2003, I was a rookie fresh out of driver academy(well known hint....OrangeTrucks).

I loved my trucking life, I mean they could not send me home. I ran hard cause I loved trucking, 48 states and Canada and I eventually ran local intermodal nj/nyc/pa,even became a driver council member for the company. That included quarterly flight travel to various hubs to help with solutions for better efficiency,safety,and smooth relations with drivers and management. I was a team player, so I thought.

2009 95 south bound New Jersey Turnpike traffic! A car cut off a truck in front of me and I rear ended the truck. It seemed like I had plenty room to stop. Long story short,the ORANGE truck company didn't even wait for the accident report. I was fired and told to give my work shirts back. I was just a number.

I have been waiting for almost 3years to get back in the truck. I still drive here and there but companies shy away. Some call but say they need recent experience with a major carrier. the larger carrier are so big they forget they called previously before( talk about getting my hopes up high).

All I need is a second chance as well. I have no criminal record and just want to get back on the road no longer oblivious to the BS BIG trucking companies do.

I get it! Its just business!....If anyone can offer some advice/lead please email me.

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