Semi hit us from the side. Was in our lane. Who is at fault?

by emma
(Mckinleyville, Ca.)

my daughter and my two grand daughters were traveling when a trucker was coming in our lane. The lady driving tried passing him when we said not to , he ended up side swiping us. She never stopped to check on us or the trucker. She just kept driving. She could have killed me and my family. She just did not care. Thanks Emma

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Oct 24, 2010
Semi hit us from the side. Was in our lane. Who is at fault?
by: Dennis Shipman

Typically law enforcement or federal regulatory agencies try mightily to cast blame for these truck versus car accidents on the truck driver; who can least stand it. Some are at fault. But I would cast my lot with a professional driver over a 4-wheelers any day.

These types of accidents are par for the course, moreover, because people in cars (as opposed to driving them) simply do not know how to share the road with trucks, period. They often speed past an accelerating tractor only to pull in front of him to slow down.

Once one pulled in front of me while I was at highway speed. Despite hitting all the bells, whistles, horns and lights they refused to speed up and I knocked 'em clean into to passing lane.

Thank God no one was injured. Of course it was very difficult to explain to my boss why I had a severely dented front bumper but that was the least of my problems.

Sorry to hear of the mishaps. Forewarned is forearmed. Share the road.

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