Several DUIs and wreckless driving charges 13yrs old

by John tingle
(Milton Delaware)

Hello I've had either 3 DUIs and 2 reckless or 2 DUIs and 3 reckless none where felonies all were over 13 years ago do you think if I get a CDL some body will hire me I never did drugs they were all beer DUIs I don't drink no more

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Mar 29, 2019
ummmm NEW
by: Anonymous

but should you is the question, personally i dont think there is any company would hire you.

you clearly do not have the patience truck driving needs to be a safe driver.

sure people change will take a lot to prove you have changed

Mar 28, 2019
Did you complete a 12 step program
by: Hervy

I think for all that even that long ago having completed an AA 12 step program would help.

Best thing to do is call a lot of trucking coompanies and ask.

Might want to start with Swift and Carolina Cargo. If they say no, it might be a bad sign. If they say yes call other companies that you migjt be interested in too.

Check smaller local companies.

If you've been working consistently since then check to see is there is a program where you can to get old records sealed so you can get a trucking job.

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