Sheridan logistics inc.

by ME

I have a question. Do any of you know anything about this company Flatbed division. My Husband just started there a few weeks ago.

He is making 1 load a week and I really haven't Seen any money. Do they get paid by the load or by the mile. How often do they get home? Is there some where I can find this out.

He's not really saying anything right now. Just getting tired of him changing trucking jobs so often. Anyone have any idea.

Comments for Sheridan logistics inc.

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Feb 28, 2022
by: Anonymous

Still waiting for about 2,000.00 never paid me for...lots of extra shit and miles...all lies from Ray

Aug 11, 2019
He'll No........ NEW
by: Anonymous

You will find out that ur a sucker.Ray knows how 2 manipulate u.

1 Will recover ur Trk @ Home TIME.
2 Not pay u.
3 Ruin ur DAC with lies.
4 U can't get another job.

Jul 07, 2019
Good company NEW
by: Anonymous

Sheridan Logistics is a good company if you don’t mind working for your money. If you are a whinny driver you will get a lot of cheap loads but if you do your job and don’t tear up your truck you can get some good paying loads.

Nov 15, 2018
Bust yo ass NEW
by: Squirrel

I worked for these cats, or the HNIC Allen. I can say that I'm on both sides here. I made really good money here but had to work for it. If you run you will be rewarded. Bout like any company. They do charge you for shit that you never had, but you sign that paper in the beginning saying you had it to get out on the road cause you been in that truck for days waiting to leave....and yes on the doubled govt loads. So now you're running...don't slip you'll sit for 2 weeks in el paso or Carlisle. Don't get involved and think any of the other drivers are buddies. Or run together. Stay away. They hire all shades of cats, and you think a mutha fukr would be legit driving military loads. I think not. So Allan can buy his bedazzled Jason aldean jeans and fancy cowboy boots. But they kept my truck sharp and I stayed with loads cause I ain't a pussy! Too bad that alan won't hear me out about why I cracked that Canadian fagot over the head for trying to swing on me and climb in my cab of my loaded truck. The dudes at Carlisle,Walter, and the cat in Coronado were really cool and busted ass. I busted ass. Would I suggest anyone go here.....NO. Would I go back? If they'd pay me back the checks stolen and Alan would admit he is closet queer and I'd get my bad ass truckback...yeah

Apr 21, 2018
Past NEW
by: Anonymous

I worked for them for 8 years,back when Alan only had 5 trucks. You could make good money then because you didn't have to compete with other company trucks. I left because of the home time. I have a friend that still works there and he had been there probably 15 years now.

Jul 26, 2017
Stay away from this company NEW
by: Anonymous

Sheridan / Alan Farmer Trucking will do nothing but ruin your driving record and break your bank account. Alan started out back in the 80's in Tuscaloosa as a outlaw company running under Ranger Transportation, he leased his 5 trucks to Ranger and then ran independent under Alan Farmer trucking. Then started Sheridan and began buying 379 petes to attract inexperienced drivers that wanted to drive large cars that was the only way he could get drivers. They lost their millitary accounts due to lying about where the trucks were, and picking up loads and dropping them on a yard and waiting to multiply loads together for more money and screwing the millitary and the drivers as well. If there is anyway to screw the shipper and drivers they are masters at it for sure. I can't believe they are still in business... Drivers beware... If you care anything about your license and want to make money, dont be so desperate you have to resort to working for this compsny. It is the bottom of the barrel. Unless you are homeless and dont mind sitting in Barstow California for days, or in Birmingham sleeping in your truck if they allow you to for days, and what little money you make either you spend it to eat, or they rob you of it, and your DL record goes to crap and end up trapped becsuse no one elase will hire you. STAY AWAY...

Sep 22, 2016
So Mr. untouchable NEW
by: Anonymous

Let me inform you this, Mr. Untouchable,my husband just went to work for them and he sat for 3 wks waiting for work all they do is mislead drivers and keep them hanging out. This past wk 5 drivers, older drivers that have been there quit because of the Bull shit that they do.They make it look like a grand place to work up front, lead it on to be a grand place to work.We learned a valuable lesson from this. The one and only check my husband is getting will cover the flight home. So don't go telling this lady that he might be seeing someone else when you don't have a clue to what the heck is going on with this company.

Sep 22, 2016
If lookin run like hell from this one NEW
by: Anonymous

Been trucking 20+ years , know how to work the books & dodge scales . This outfit will keep you down to 1 ld a week or less . Then it will be so far over gross even on a rgn that multiple states won't permit it . So you run roads you don't belong on even empty , at night , no markings , no warning lights , hopin to not get caught . If you do the ticket & jail time is on you . So like I said run fast & far !!!!!

Aug 21, 2016
Liars!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

They have lied since day 1. They must not value these military contracts because they are not doing right by drivers. The logs are properly done and the deliveries were made before deadline! Weeks away from home to not make money is not worth it. Questionable practices by changing the sign from Sherdan Logistics to Alan Farmer trucking!

Aug 19, 2016
Dishonest, they do military loads under a different DOT# by flipping the sign on the step from Sheridan Logistics to Alan Farmer trucking NEW
by: Anonymous

This company runs off of various DOT#. they assign you a truck and you better hope that they go around the truck to check equipment to make sure you have the right equipment because if not they will charge you for what's missing even though it was never on the truck to begin with. This company PAYS PERCENTAGE after they deduct the fuel surcharge off the amount it pays towards the truck.
They take 11% off the pay that they say the truck is making then you get your 22% and when it comes to Military Bases prior to entering the base you need to find a safe haven to flip the signs from Leased to Sheridan Logistics to Allen Farmer trucking to get on the Military base different DOT#
different ICC# different KYU# and you change it when you leave the base. They have 58ft step decks which are not legal in California and If you have to go into California then they want you to drive around the Weigh Stations. Legal is 53ft bridge law. This company is a fly bye night company and they find every reason to charge you for this and that and they put your money on comdata which costs to take money out

May 05, 2016
Scab.. co. thieves.. liers NEW
by: Anonymouspat

,ma'am if your husband still works for this company he will never make no money there I worked there for almost 2 years they still owe me over $1,000 this company will have your husband sitting for two three weeks and a shot and not make any money don't let them are you this is a scab company and believe me I know by experience they will lie to you and run your credit and your wallet into the ground tell him to run like the wind

May 05, 2016
Scab.. co. thieves.. liers NEW
by: Anonymouspat

,ma'am if your husband still works for this company he will never make no money there I worked there for almost 2 years they still owe me over $1,000 this company will have your husband sitting for two three weeks and a shot and not make any money don't let them are you this is a scab company and believe me I know by experience they will lie to you and run your credit and your wallet into the ground tell him to run like the wind

Jul 30, 2015
Fixing to start at Sheridan NEW
by: Untouchable

For the drivers wife that asked about this Company, darling I've got 8yrz In the business and someone that is pulling only military loads and he's not making a check ?? Something is seriously wrong here. On top of that you say that he is only Making one load a week ? That raises a few questions.
1 - how long has he been in the trucking business
2 - does he understand how to play with his logs to make them look legal by the DOT rules
3 - is he picking up and making his deliveries on time as stated by management ?? If he can not pick up and drop on time at a base or a port, management is going to put him in the dog house until he gets his crap together and he can prove that he can run hard and make his loads correctly.
4 - You also have to think abut advances.... is he taking any and if so is he sending in the receipts for re-embursement ?? These are things that you have to think about when it ones to your husband Making money at this company.
5 - Worst case situation.... your husband is seeing someone else on the side and she is getting all his money instead of you. Sorry to put it to you darling but it happens hon.
As for the guy that was saying that his son wasn't making any money and the trucks were constantly breaking down. He has to do pre-trips before every run and do his PM service every 15,000 in order to keep the truck running correctly ?? What is this, I'm having to teach a bunch of rookies how to run their trucks or something ?? If either of you want to talk to me about this Company, you can call me on my cell 386 288-3744

Jul 10, 2015
wouldnt work here NEW
by: Anonymous

weeks of down time stuck in a truck stops living out of the truck. no 24/7 dispatch as stated. trucks breaking down.
maybe if your lucky you may get 2 checks a month. im tired of my son changing jobs too but im wondering if there is a real career in driving

Aug 30, 2014
unsual but nothing new NEW
by: crawfish

1 load a week? how many miles is on the load? that's very unusual but who knows what's going on

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