
by william perkins
(everett, washington, usa)

what are the pros and cons of using a clutch to shift or just slide it into gear using the rpm's?

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May 15, 2009
To clutch or not to clutch
by: Hervy

Using the clutch was completely necessary back in the day. Transmissions were made very differently and harder if not impossible to synchronize without the use of the clutch.

Things are different now. It is more of the drivers choice to use the clutch once the truck is moving. Most drivers don't.

Like the guys said, no short cut to being able to do this. Practice makes perfect. If you are in training or are about to go, they usually want to see you using the clutch. Don't with them by repeating what we are saying. When you are in training you do it the way they want you to do it to get out of class successfully.

See ya, holla back at us!

Most drivers don't use the cluth unless they are stoppin

May 14, 2009
by: Anonymous

Yep - just practice and figure it out. I usually only use the clutch to stop. Some will demand you use it and double clutch to "save the transmission" Blah Ba Blah! Just relax and feel that truck under your butt. Use the force! Those gears will slide like butter.

May 14, 2009
by: Jimmy

No clutch means your left leg doesn't get as tired. No double clutch means your left leg doesn't get twice as tired. Figure out how to shift without the clutch, you'll love it. Jimmy

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