Should a 56 year old single woman consider becoming a trucker?

by Barbara

Been working at a desk job for over 25 years. Been single over 5 years; kids all grown. Been seeing a great guy who drives OTR, and who is interested in taking on a driving "team" partner.

I'm currently making about as much money as I can make in my current career. Frankly, I'm getting tired of sitting at a desk all day; I no longer finding satisfaction or challenge in the work I'm doing; I'm fed up with "suits"; and there's no way I can afford to retire on this kind of money.

Could this change of career, driving as a team for a couple of years, be the way for me to earn the money I need to retire in the next 10 years or so? My sister was an OTR trucker for several years (up until about 3-4 years ago), but I need some advice from truckers who are out on the road now.

Thank you, and God bless you all.

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Jun 18, 2010
do it barb do it!!!!!!
by: brynn

do it barb i did!!!!!!!

May 27, 2010
you go girl
by: Anonymous

I say go for it .i drove truck years ago have kids now almost all grown and if i could i would go back. I love trucks, love to drive period. You will see so much country and have so many memories and some funny stories to tell. Go for it as long as your healthy.

May 03, 2010
Is 50 yrs olds to old to be a trucker?
by: Hervy

Barbara, I don't think 56 is too old if you can get hired. Called some trucking companies and especially the one he is at and see if they would hire someone that old. OF course they can't flat out say no, but hopefully they will say something to give you some clues.

Beyond that, I think your in a great situation to become a trucker as long as your health is good. It will definitely be opposite of the office, and team would start you off making decent money as long as you two can put up with each other in close quarters.

You will need to plan ahead to save money on the road. And your retirement saving for ten years of drivers will not be a lot of money unless you also do some crafty investing.

But if doing that 10 years of driving you also are working on other plans to incorporate during or after trucking you should be fine with what your able to save.

Good luck,
let us know what you end up doing!

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