Should I disclose working for a trucking company for 2 days

I drove for a company that had about 500 trucks and like a 3 to 1 ratio with trailers for only 300 miles. I did orientation with them and I am a student driver"still".

When applying to new trucking companies, do I need or have to disclose that I drove for this company not even 2 days?

One company disqualified me for this because I told the recruiter when I was asked.

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Oct 27, 2023
Why did you drive for a trucking company for 2 days
by: The Crazy Trucker

I would say yes. And I am assuming there is a good reason that you only drove for 2 days. Just tell the company the reason where there is space to write it.

Aug 17, 2018
by: TexasDrew

I would not.Just tell them you were offered the job and never actually work there.Plus you are not applying for a secret clearance job.I ve been there and I understand.

Feb 08, 2017
Disclosing working at a company
by: Hervy

You know, its up to you. If you were hired, then you are supposed to put it down. I really don't know what to tell you.

If they find out that you worked there and you didn't naturally, they might wonder if you were hiding something or they might assume since it was only 2 days, you didn't bother.

Personally I think I would put it down but also for me there would be a very very very good reason as to why I only worked for a company for 2 days. And I would find somewhere to explain that on the app.

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