Should I fly home?

by Tom

Have down time for a couple of weeks waiting for a load. I'm stuck in TX and live in MI. Think'n about flying home for a few days. I'll leave the truck with my partner. Any problem with that other than it's cost me about $500. Been otr for over a month now. I've never done that before but think'n about it.

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Mar 12, 2009
Tom wants to jump on the big bird.
by: Jimmy

Hey Tom, as long as the truck is secure, I would do it. Do you know for sure you won't get loaded for 2 weeks? Is it possible they could find you a load sooner and then you would have to scramble to get back to your truck?

When I lived in San Diego, a couple times I flew home for the weekend. Once I had a Friday delivery and when I got there (on time), they didn't want it until Monday. I was in Denver and dispatch said "oh well" so I asked if I could leave the truck right there at the consignee and then cab'd it to the airport and was home before happy hour and flew back Sunday night late. Another time, I flew from Merced, Ca home. Jimmy

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