Should I ride?

by Jessi
(Western North Carolina)

I have been with my trucker for about a year. Since day one he has always said he'd love for me to get on the truck.
We are getting married fall of next year. And want to start a family after that.

I currently do not care for my career and want to do something else. Neither of us have kids. And I am roommates with my bother and another friend, so I dont have home or lease or anything to keep up with.

SOOOO, I am at a point in my life where I could pick up and go. I could go over the road with him.

I have always wanted to travel and see all over the country. I know being on the truck wont be a sight seeing trip. But I can see a lot more than I would sitting behind this desk. And I get to see him a lot more than the few days here and there.

Any advice?

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Dec 14, 2014
try NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been riding in the truck with my husband for 4 months. We don't have house or any property. It's nice if you would try but as for me I am kinda bored. I wanted to have a career, live in a house and do something else than just sitting hehe..

Nov 12, 2014
??? NEW
by: Anonymous

I think you answered your own question!! Goooo nothin holding you back.

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