Should I stay or should I go....?

by MeSheLL
(Sacramento, CA)

I am not a wife but the girlfriend of an OTR truck driver. I am wondering if anybody has gone with their partners on the truck and if you had any tips on how to handle situations that arise from being together 24/7 in such tight quarters.

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Sep 27, 2013
Consider yourself lucky NEW
by: Anonymous

If you have the opportunity to go with your man on his trips consider yourself lucky! I work two jobs and am in university so I almost never get to go! If your in a relationship with someone that your worried about getting on your nerves after being together for a few days... Is that really the best relationship to be in? I absolutely love trips with my boyfriend, I get to see parts of the country I would never normally see, I get to see different communities and people making a living in different ways. But most of all we have the most amazing conversations and i get to learn about yhe trucking industry! (a mostly male-dominated world). But if you really can't stand to be around your man for a few days here's some tips:
When the conversation dwindles (it happens) then pick up a book and read to him! This solves hours and hours of otherwise boring drive time!
If he has time, stop at small town craft stores or farmers markets, you can't imagine the treasures you find!
Picnics in beautiful settings in the wilderness!
Always bring prewet face clothes and comfortable pants!

But mostly I think you need to see what your relationship actually means to you... Would you rather be with him on the road or away from him at home?

Sep 04, 2013
oh another thing NEW
by: Anonymous

there is travelers insurance and that is like 7 bucks a day....your husband cant afford that for a few days of fun??? If you really want to do things you will find a way..... cant have everyone do your thinking for you.....

Sep 04, 2013
from Wow NEW
by: Anonymous

I am beginning to think if you are independent driver the company doesn't ask for insurance coverage...besides I am not driving the truck?? We have our own insurance if any accident should happen we can use our own?? So just show them your vehicle insurance which normally transfers for any accident in any car if the company doesn't pay, your auto insurance does?? Simple??

Sep 04, 2013
Stay or Go? NEW
by: Anonymous

How did you get so lucky? My husband who is driving team, well when his team driver has time off & my husband goes solo till his team driver comes back on the truck & vice versa, well his company does not allow wives or the children to go with him unless he buys insurance to cover us. So you are lucky! I wish that was us. Even my husband's team driver is saying that his girlfriend is complaining that when my husband is home & his team driver is taking turns doing solo, she, too, cannot get on the truck unless insurance is bought for her. So take advantage of that time with him on the truck.

Sep 02, 2013
wow NEW
by: Anonymous

horrific....mine wasn't that bad but yeap we do use the bathroom more than men do....we took a shower everyday although we did have to double up :)....I guess time management is a good thing to have when being a trucker! Mine has been driving for 25 years so we get to stop to eat out daily maybe in a bit of a rush, and I would sleep a lot to make it easier on myself and drank only things that didn't have natural diuretics that trigger the bladder, like soda and coffee. I mainly just drank water. However, I like being at home vs. than being out on the road.

Sep 02, 2013
Don't Go NEW
by: Anonymous

If you have a bladder problem or can't hold your urine I would definitely say stay home; If your guy is like my husband, he'll get frustrated very easily. Whenever I have Pepsi or Coke that has caffeine it makes me do a lot of bathroom trips & my husband already said that if I was to go with him, we would only be doing 2 bathroom trips which would be 1 every 10 hours & I said you got to be kidding me & he said no, that is what he does, he goes b4 he rolls & holds it for 10 hours & I said women are different & that is if we hold it for 10 hours I was told by my doctor that we could be setting ourselves up for a UTI & trust me if you ever had a bladder infection you know they are no fun & can you picture being stuck in a construction zone or a traffic jam & have heavy burning & pressure & can't hold it & there is no where around to go & my husband gets too ticked off easily so I know he would blow his stack if I kept telling him to pull over because he would say oh I am never going to make that deadline to drop the load off, so with that said you can see I have never been on the road with him & plus they don't get a shower every day! They get by with baby wipes till their next shower! So if you are like me that you must have your daily shower, legs shaved every day & hair shampooed daily, then take my advice & don't go with him over the road & stay at home in the comforts of your own home! I hope this has been helpful.

Jul 20, 2013
suggestions NEW
by: Anonymous

I suggest to go on trips periodically not full time. It is very stressful to listen to them get upset while they are stressed out on the road.

Make it like a vacation each time not a job for you or you will go crazy....its very hard. I got sick two times on the road and that was just being a burden cause he had to pull over too many times so I could use the restroom. Not that this happens to everybody but it is something to consider.

Don't try to change anything he does cause that is his job, us women see things differently than men, and this would just be an intrusion on his territory. Keep quiet they need to concentrate on the road not our jibber-jabber! :) Let him do all the talking this helps relieves his stress. Take a lot of hobbies with you to keep your self from becoming mind boggling bored! Learn to hold your urine as they do not like to pull over unless they need to! Eat lightly!

I don't go anymore at all now and I okay with that. :)

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